TUITION Schedule: Grades Pre-K - 8:

The school’s expectation at the time of registration is that all tuition and fees will be paid on time.  Failure to do so serves to rupture the contract that we make with parents and this could result in the suspension of a child for delinquent tuition or fees.

All school tuition is paid directly to St. John Chrysostom School Office.  Parents/ guardians are asked to abide by the contractual agreement signed annually.  Dated tuition envelopes are provided.  Late fees are charged.  Other obligations included:  After Care, fund-raising, late fees bounced checks, registration, book fee, sacrament fee, graduation.  Monies are to be paid on or before the dates on the special envelope for the specific event.  A late charge of $25 will be added to the fees paid after the due date.  Money will only be accepted if it is in an authorized envelope and in the form of check or money order.  (Cash is a risk.)  The charge for a bounced check is $25.   

Parishioners parents and children who are registered members of St. John Chrysostom parish or another Catholic parish, attend Sunday Mass, and contribute to the support of the parish.
Non-Practicing Catholic families who do not attend Mass regularly in a parish and who do not contribute to the support of that parish.
Non-Catholic families other than Catholic

All fees should be paid on time.  If there are outstanding fees at the time of report card distribution, the report card will be withheld until fees are paid.  Problems or difficulties involving finances must be taken up with the Financial Secretary

IMPORTANT:      In order for a family to qualify for the Catholic tuition rate,
parents must contribute a minimum of
$4 or $5 in each Sunday envelope. 

Your participation in ongoing religious, educational, and voluntary programs of our school is vital to our school and to our children.  We thank you for your cooperation and support you give to St. John Chrysostom School.

Parents/guardians are urged to meet their financial obligations on time in order to avoid late fees and embarrassment for themselves and their child(ren); if payments are 1 month in arrears, they will be notified that their child(ren) has been suspended.  Students cannot be re-registered if money is owed to the school.

All children pay a $400.00 registration fee.